Friday, June 26, 2009

Vacation Bible School

Today was the last day of a very fun week of Vacation Bible School for Natalie. This was out at my Mom's church and she had a blast! I hope this video works. I was shocked that Natalie had no fear at all doing this in front of the whole church! It was too cute! Especially the part where she "gets down and boogies!"
(I honestly think she was placed on the end because of her hand motions and dancing!
Abby can't wait to attend. Of course, she has to wait 2 more summers. Here are pics though of her getting up and dancing at the end. That smile is priceless!


Anonymous said...

that was too too funny! jordan didnt move her eyes once from the screen lol she KNEW the moves too more than i would be able to cute

love ya guys!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! that is an adorable video! I bet it was hard to hold the camera for that one ;) how cute!

Anonymous said...

Very cute!!! I especially like the singing in that 'southern' accent! I know you don't even notice it! also, the little boy next to her with his hands in his hysterical!!!! And Abby, oh my, she looks like she is so 'full of it'!!!!! LOL

Stacey said...

Love the new posts, Paige. Your girls are precious! I tend to post a bunch all at once to catch up too! Let's talk about next wk sometime :-)