The medicine seems to finally be working with N & A!!! They are feeling much better. The coughing and runny nose is not nearly as bad as it was last week! A, on the other hand was running a temperature tonight and very fussy...I think she is can tell her top two teeth are about to pop through...At least let's hope that it is teething and nothing else!
And now for some very exciting news...I am so excited to announce that M and I are a proud aunt and uncle of twins! They arrived yesterday, very early, but they are doing great! Momma was 27 weeks and 2 days, and she and Dad are doing good. We miss you guys so much and can't wait to meet J (girl) & D (boy)!
Here is a pick of A and her very 1st bubble bath and N and her new hat to take to Illinois. She just takes it off to is will be 80 degrees outside and she has on her winter hat! She loves it!
Have a safe trip to Illinois!!!!Thanks for the pictures of the girls!!! The bubble bath photo of A reminds me of your mom! Not the bubbles, the face of A!!!!
hey paige! the girls are sooo cute like always !lol! thankyou so much for my card and i-tunes card
i cant wait to use it
LUV YA!!!!!!!!!
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